Author Archives: Sharon Iezzi

5 Ways Of Eating For More Energy

5 Ways Of Eating For More Energy

Eating for energy seems like a simple thing to do. Just grab a candy bar, sugary soda, “energy drink,” or caffeinated beverage and away you go. You feel energized for a short time but then what happens? Your energy peters out and you feel even more tired than before. What if I told you that […]

Working Out: The Benefits In Two Minutes

Thinking about making working out a part of your daily routine? Working out benefits you in SO many ways, more so than you may realize. Benefits Of Working Out Just a few minutes a day of planned, varied exercise can: uplift your mood, reduce your risk of illness, help you get better sleep, keep you […]

Veganism and Health: An Important Truth That Most People Ignore

Veganism and Health An Important Truth That Most People Ignore

To vegan, or not to vegan. That is the question … As more people than ever consider changing to a vegan diet, they need to understand one vitally important truth: that veganism and good health do not necessarily go together. Why is that? The vegan trend has affected what we buy. In a mere decade, […]
